Channel: Networks – Dementia Partnerships
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East of England Co-Production Programme

East of England Strategic Clinical Networks

This project led by by the East of England Strategic Clinical Network, working with the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) will evaluate and support co-production between patients, carers  and healthcare providers as equal partners in the East of England.

Download the East of England Co-Production Programme briefing

Coproduction is a way of thinking and working where patients and carers are equal partners with healthcare providers. Together identifying and bringing about improvements to health-based services, strategies or programmes of work. The programme was launched in October 2014.

NDTi (www.ndti.org.uk) is a not-for-profit organisation concerned with promoting inclusion and equality for people who are at risk of exclusion and who need support to lead a full life. They have extensive experience of leading co-production projects with a range of providers, including health and social care agencies. NDTi have a particular interest in issues around age, disability and health. They work across all client groups and have nationally recognised expertise in co-production. For more information on the project please go to their website.

The programme has two elements:

  • In-depth support to Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to work with patients, carers and families as equal partners on a specified project
  • Action Learning Sets – ALS are dedicated days where teams can get together to work on their projects and support others with theirs through a process of listening, reflection, questions and actions.

The in-depth part of the programme is to support three CCGs to work on large-scale service improvement in mental health or long-term conditions, with funding from the SCN and specialist support from NDTi.

The projects and sites chosen were selected from a number of applicants by a Co-Production Steering Group panel, which included equal numbers of patients and carers, and professionals.

In-depth projects

Action Learning Set Teams

  • Co-production of Integrated Mental Health Care Strategy (Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG and West Suffolk CCG)
  • Improving Annual Health Checks for People with a Learning Disability in Thurrock. Thurrock CCG, experts by experience, and a local Social Enterprise are trying to identify the barriers that are preventing people having an annual health check and to find innovative solutions in order to increase the take up.
  • Co-production of a rare neurological disease pathway. (Luton CCG)
  • Bringing together those who use services and those who provide them in order to co-produce a more effective, individualised care pathway that facilitates successful recovery from mental health problem. (Mid Essex CCG)

All projects will be fully evaluated by NDTi, with the aim of measuring the impact of co-production as a method of working. Evaluation will look to capture the outcomes for people using services, service delivery and where possible cost effectiveness.

The evaluation of the programme has two key elements:

  • To evaluate the extent to which participation in the programme has led to a change in knowledge, understanding and commitment to co-production for both the professionals and patients and carers involved.
  • To evaluate the impact of taking a co-produced and personalised approach to implementing change and/or addressing service issues or challenges

Further updates on the programme will be released in due course.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Victoria Doyle, Quality Improvement Lead for the Mental Health, Dementia, Neurology, learning Disability and Autism SCN for more information on Victoria.doyle@nhs.net

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